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«  March 2010  »

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Главная » 2010 » March » 24 » Company history
Company history
Company history

ОAO «CHEMICAL - RU» it is registered in 2000.

But all has begun earlier, in 1998, with a children's detergent powder. Group of young managers, only just having started to search for the niche in the market, has decided to carry out idea unusual at that point in time – to adjust production of a children's detergent powder on the basis of soap. Having got acquainted in the course of work with a source of raw materials, initiators of the project have found out that for a children's powder the soap shaving which is produced on the basis of vegetative or animal fats is required.

The company has started to work in both directions. But as possibilities of the market of vegetative fats have appeared much more widely, it began to be considered as a priority direction. So there was a company «CHEMICAL - RU».

Gradual adjustment of business contacts with the enterprises-manufacturers has led to that as of today «CHEMICAL - RU» co-operates more than about 20th the largest companies of the country, carrying out the debugged sales of chemical substances on all territory of Russia and the CIS countries.

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